There’s nothing like a UTV to add some thrills to your adventures on the trails. A side-by-side also enables you to accomplish a variety of tasks on your farm or worksite. S&N MotorSports is your local UTV dealer in Port Charlotte, Florida, and we know that though these machines are incredibly powerful and versatile, there are some useful add-ons that can really elevate your game! Read on to find out which accessories can help you get more out of your side-by-side. When you’re ready to check out some quality UTVs for sale near Fort Myers, feel free to give us a call or stop by our dealership.

Storage Cover

When they are not in use, UTVs need protection from the elements. Leaving them exposed sitting in the garage or outside can lead to damaging dust and grime build-up. You’ve already spent a large investment on your side-by-side, which is why it’s worth the extra cost for a cover to keep it looking and performing well.

A quality cover is made with breathable fabrics that prevent moisture buildup. Use it anytime you want to store your vehicle for a period of time, whether it’s for the weekdays or all winter long. UTVs come in different shapes and sizes and so do covers. It’s easy to find one that fits your utility vehicle well.

Skid Plate

You’ll benefit from having a rugged skid plate that protects the underside of your UTV when you’re riding over rocks and other damaging obstacles. Although UTVs are built to take a heavy beating, a skid plate will increase its sturdiness even more and also protects your vehicle’s underside from hidden dangers in the terrain that you might not be able to see with the naked eye. Skid plates are designed in several different sizes, so you’ll have no trouble finding the right one to fit your model. You’ll be able to ride with confidence knowing that your skid plate has your back.


Not all UTVs come with a built-in windshield. However, these are accessories that improve the quality of your ride, especially during inclement weather. Heavy rain, snow, and even kicked-up dust can severely reduce visibility while riding. A windshield blocks some of the wind from pounding against you. This helps reduce wind-related fatigue so you can ride longer. It also helps block bugs and kicked-up debris from hitting your face or clothing.

You can also opt for a folding windshield for maximum flexibility. When the weather is not good, you have protection from the screen, and when you are ready for the open air, you simply fold the windshield downward. Whether you want to protect yourself from cold winds and rain or to clear your view of the dust from the trail, a windshield will make a great addition to your UTV.

Bumpers and Mudguard Kits

While you’re riding on the trails, there’s always the risk of running your UTV into a rock or some other obstacle that can scuff it. These machines can be hard to move due to their size and shape, even if you’re really experienced. So protecting the vehicle with bumpers can be an easy way to keep your side-by-side from sustaining damage.

Another wise investment is a mudguard kit, which is designed to protect both you and other riders from flying mud and debris on the trails. They basically serve as mud flaps for your UTV. They’re plastic fender extensions that are designed to fit seamlessly with your vehicle’s frame for added protection and reduced spray.

Mudding Tires

The type of tire that’s likely installed on your UTV by the manufacturer is simply an all-terrain tire, otherwise known as a trail tire. These tires have a wide variety of tread patterns and tread depths ranging from one to two inches. The treads are closely aligned to give you suitable traction on most surfaces. Trail tires are perfect for general-purpose riding conditions like those you’d find on a nature trail or in an off-roading area.

If you're like mudding with your UTV, you will want tires with better traction than the trail tires can give you. Your vehicle needs to be able to stay upright and not slip around when you’re coasting through mud, which is where mud tires come in handy. These tires are equipped with tall lugs that grip into the mud and prevent slipping. Some mud tires even have lugs on the shoulders to clear away mud. You may need to lift up your UTV or add wheel spacers to it in order to use mud tires because these tires are larger and heavier than your average all-terrain wheels.

LED lights

It can be unsafe to ride your side-by-side in the early morning hours and even at dusk, but not if you invest in some bright and powerful LED lights. These lights come in different levels of brightness and sizes, so you’ll be able to choose the best setup for your UTV. In addition to being able to safely ride in dimmer conditions, LEDs will also prove useful for recreational journeys. Plus, they are more energy-efficient and drain less power to run. While they do cost more upfront, they last much longer, so you’ll save money in the long run with this upgrade.

We’ve barely scratched the surface on all of the available UTV accessories. There are many other ways to upgrade and we’re here to help you. If you’d like to learn more or you’re still in the market for a side-by-side, be sure to stop by S&N MotorSports in Port Charlotte, FL. We welcome all our patrons visiting us from Fort Myers, so get in touch with us today!